Microsoft is not a stranger, and we all understand that. But, nevertheless, in the interests of the company not to complicate the life of users, which they have tried to confirm on the example of the upcoming update for Windows 10.
Now with the release of critical system patches we will be able to postpone the auto-update for 35 days. So to speak, we will not let the computer “loose”.
Such conclusions can be drawn after learning about the latest changes that the creators of Windows are introducing in the next spring update of Windows 10.
When an update comes out, the system will just let you know that it can be installed, rather than updating as before. It seems that because of the numerous problems associated with previous OS patches, Microsoft has chosen to at least somehow ensure the integrity of the system.
Windows 10 update will be available next week, but so far only as part of the Windows Insider program. Returning to the topic touched upon in the introduction: not only will the upcoming cumulative update be under user control, this change will apply to all future ones as well.
We will be able to postpone the installation of any critical update for up to 35 days, after the current OS version has been deemed obsolete. Until now this possibility has been available only for Pro and Enterprise versions. Now it will be added to the Home version.
What will be included in the Windows 10 update?
The update has probably been postponed because of recent problems caused by a patch. Microsoft doesn’t want to step on the rake again and has slowed things down a bit. So now, hopefully, everything is thoroughly checked and the update will go through properly. The new update, in addition to the key security fixes, will bring a new clear theme, additional settings for fonts, keyboard and autoloading programs, anti-cheat system in games and the mentioned ability to control download updates. Another new feature will be an option that will allow a number of peripheral Bluetooth devices to be connected with a single click if they are in range.