Computer Security


Computer security is a section of information security that characterizes the impossibility of computer damage exceeding the amount of acceptable damage to it from all identified and studied sources of its failures in certain operating conditions and at a given time interval.

Cybersecurity is a section of information security that studies the processes of formation, functioning and evolution of cyberobjects, to identify the sources of cyber risk that arise, to determine their characteristics, as well as their classification and the formation of regulatory documents, the implementation of which should guarantee the protection of cyberobjects from all identified and studied sources of cyber risk.

Computer security is the security measures used to protect computing devices (computers, smartphones and others), as well as computer networks (private and public networks, including the Internet). The field of systems administrators covers all processes and mechanisms by which digital equipment, the information field and services are protected from accidental or unauthorized access, modification or destruction of data, and is becoming increasingly important due to the growing dependence on computer systems in the developed community.

Cybersecurity is the process of using security measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data. The system administrator protects assets, including data from the local network of computers, servers. In addition, the buildings themselves and, most importantly, personnel are taken under protection. The purpose of cybersecurity is to protect data (both in transit and/or exchange and in storage). Countermeasures can also be applied to ensure data security. Some of these measures include (but are not limited to) access controls, staff training, auditing and reporting, probable risk assessments, penetration testing, and authorization requirements.

Some countries now plan to teach cybersecurity as early as high school. In the United Kingdom, for example, cybersecurity lessons are offered to schoolchildren, which will teach them the skills to keep British companies and organizations safe from network attacks by hackers. The curriculum was developed by the U.K. Department of Culture, Media and Sport. The lessons are planned to be delivered both online and in the form of extracurricular classes, which will take place four times a week and will be taught by expert teachers. Students will be exposed to real-world cybersecurity issues and practices. The program is aimed at students between the ages of 14 and 18.